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Understanding and Maintaining Lower Back Health

woman sitting on couch with low back painSleeping in an awkward position, hunching over your workstation for eight or more hours a day, lifting improperly—these are some common causes of lower back pain, which affects millions of people worldwide.

Whether you’re an office worker, an athlete, or somewhere in between, maintaining a healthy lower back is crucial for your overall well-being.

The Hidden Causes of Lower Back Pain

Contrary to popular belief, most lower back pain isn’t caused by sudden trauma. According to Dr. Lichter, who has 35 years of experience as a chiropractor, about 75% of the low back patients we treat have what’s known as an insidious onset.

That is the equivalent of mileage on a car. This ‘spinal mileage’ accumulates over the years through everyday activities like sitting, texting, and even childhood accidents.”

Chiropractic Techniques for Lower Back Health

Our practice uses various techniques to address lower back issues:

These diverse approaches allow for personalized treatment plans suitable for patients of all ages and conditions.

Preventive Measures for a Healthy Lower Back

In addition to getting chiropractic care, here are some other things you can do to prevent low back issues:

  • Stay hydrated
  • Follow personalized home exercise programs
  • Practice proper sleep posture
  • Optimize workstation ergonomics
  • Ensure you’re comfortable while driving

The Value of Maintenance Care

“Maintaining a healthy spine is much easier and much less costly than treating an injured spine,” Dr. Lichter emphasized. Regular chiropractic adjustments help maintain proper spinal alignment and biomechanical motion, potentially slowing disc degeneration and preventing injuries.

For those engaged in physical activities like weightlifting, CrossFit, yoga, or Pilates, chiropractic care can enhance workout effectiveness by optimizing nervous system function.

Say Goodbye to Pain, Starting Today

Don’t let lower back pain hold you back from living your best life. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain or looking to maintain a healthy spine, chiropractic care could be the solution you’ve been searching for. Contact us today to book an appointment.


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